Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What a day!

Today was quite a busy day. First we started out at the park. We had a really good time. I had the pleasure of sliding down the slide about a thousand times. My little monkey climbs the rock wall like a champ! She always amazes me with all the thinks that she can do. She is just growing up so fast. Just seems like she was just learning to walk yesterday and now we are climbing rock walls.

After we woke up from our afternoon nap we decided to have a little lesson on horticulture. One of my little primaries from work brought me a Valentine's Day gift and in it was this little flower pot that grows flowers. So I decided to turn it into a little lesson with Morgan. So today we planted the seeds and sat it on my kitchen window. Now we just have to wait. I sure hope that it grows something or I am going to have a lot of explaining to do!

Then after our horticulture project was completed we decided to make a club house and play in. Everyone enjoyed it except our cat. It is amazing how the simplest things in life please little kids.

Is it bed time yet, I'm excausted?

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