Friday, December 25, 2009

He Came, He Came!

Santa came and Morgan got the bike she has talked about for the past two months. She was so excited. The look on her face was priceless. I am so glad that I got it on film with my flip camcorder. It was precious. She got lots of stuff. Somethings I had forgotten that I had bought. That is when you know that you have bought way to much. And to think that I just got rid of so much junk when I redid her room a few weeks ago. Now we have more junk than ever. Oh well, you are only young once.

Morgan trying out her new bike with her new Fancy Nancy Doll in tow.

Here is some of the stuff Santa left for her. Love the new Belle dress!

Morgan so excited about her new bike.

Morgan dressed up in her new Belle costume.

I have posted this image twice. Sorry, Can't figure out how to delete it. Oops!

Morgan opening up her presents. She is so funny. All she kept saying was "Don't look!" She doesn't want you to see it before she does. She wants it to be a surprise for you as well. So funny. But I must say, it did get old after a while. Either way it was fun watching her get excited about each one she opened.

Morgan helping Stephen check out all his stocking goodies that Santa left him.

Morgan at my dad's house opening up presents. She was so excited to get the Zhu Zhu hamster that she had been wanting.

Morgan opening up more gifts from my dad. She really raked it in this year.

Callie in her Christmas collar.
After a long day of opening presents, I think Callie says it best "THE END!"

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