Thursday, January 14, 2010

My Moment

Isn't it funny how in life there are little moments that really seems to put your life in prospective. How when you least expect it, something happens that just makes you really stand back and say WOW! Well tonight I had one of those moments. It was a moment so simple and sincere. Tonight when I was tucking Morgan into bed, I gave her a hug and kiss and she said "Mom, you are the best mom in the world. Even when you get mad you are still my favorite mom in the whole great big world." I told her I thought she was the best daughter in the world and she then told me the usual, "love you to the moon and back and biggest in whole wide world." I said the same back, kissed her forehead, said good night and closed her door behind me. I then went and had a seat in my big favorite chair grabbed the remote and then it hit me. Isn't it weird how God gives, then takes, then gives again. How He took something so dear to me, then blessed me again with something that I never thought I would ever really want again, and now I can't even imagine my life without this gift. Although I have forgave Him for what he took from me, I shall never forget. It is because of what He took from me that I have what I have now. It is the reason why I love Him so much and why I love her. Then I thought to myself this is it. This is what it is all about. It's not having a big fancy house or a new shiny car, or even fine fancy clothes. This is it! A wonderful HEALTHY family. It is having a daughter that thinks I am the best mom. And not just any mom, but the best in the WORLD! So that was my moment of clarity. It didn't take some great tragedy, like how when something terrible happens to you or someone you know and you think to yourself, "Boy am I lucky, I really should count my blessing, I'm really going to live life different". Well none of that happened. It was just a beautiful 3 1/2 year old girl telling me she loved me. That was my MOMENT. It didn't cost me a dime and no big tragedy happened. So thank you God, for loaning me this beautiful child of yours. I promise I will do my best for her and for you. Life can't get any better than this. And all that because a 3 year old love me.....

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