Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Four Year Check Up!!!

Today I took Morgan to her four year checkup. Wow, is all I can say. She weighs 44.5 lbs and is 44 inches tall. She is off the charts in her weight and height. Even for a 5 year old she would be off the chart and for a 6 year old she would be in the 50th percentile. Her doctor says she is going to be very tall. Everyone already thinks she is 5 or 6. For her daddy's shake, I hope she slows down or he will be beating the boys away with a stick. The only bad part of the visit was the four shots that she had to get. Ouch!! But after her appointment we called dad and he said she could go and get a treat. Ten dollars for every shot. So we went to Toys R Us and spend her loot. She walked away with some cute things. She is finally realizing that you can get one big item or many small. She is going with the many same items. Before we headed to the toys store we stopped by the Harbor so she could play in the water. She has been wanting to do this for awhile so since we were so close after her doctors appointment we stopped by. All I have to say, boy was it HOT!!! We had a really good day even though we had to get those stupid shots. Love you big girl. Mommy is so proud of you for doing so well today!

Morgan showing off her Sponge Bob master piece she drew while waiting for the doctor. Great job Morgan!

Morgan having fun at the Harbor after her doctor's appointment.

Fun days of summer!

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