Monday, December 8, 2008

If you only just believe!

Ok. Something happened today that I just have to share with you all. So far this holiday season Morgan has been really scared of Santa. I think it is just her being the typical two year old. Well, yesterday while at the Christmas tree farm with my family Morgan saw Lauren talking with Santa and him giving her a big hug. Then we had our family picture made with him and during that time Morgan was glued to me. His patiently talked to her and tried to win her love. Then he broke out the candy cane's and he soon became her new best friend. Well, today while shopping at Walmart, we went to the Christmas decor section and there Morgan saw one of those large plastic Santa figures that light up and you place in your yard. Well she just had to get out of the cart and go over to see him. Once she was there, she greeted him with a big hello and gave him a big hug and kiss. She told him bye-bye than ran to get back in the cart. I couldn't believe that just a few days ago she was scared to death of him. Every time she would see Santa, whether at the mall or just out shopping, she would grab my leg and scream "Mommy, he scare me, he scare me!" So do you think the secret is in those candy canes? If that is all it takes to get my crazy two year old to behave, I think I am going to by stock in some candy canes companies and stock up! Hugs to all.

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