Sunday, November 29, 2009

Santa Time!

Although I put the Christmas tree up last weekend, we were not able to get it decorated until today. It was a big project thanks to my little helper. Morgan put the ornaments on the bottom half, while I put the rest on the top half. Stephen managed to supervise from the couch while watching a little football. Go figure! Anyway, we got the tree up and I think that it looks GREAT! Please ignore the big inflatable penguin next to the tree. I got it to go outside, but before I placed it outside I sat it up in the living room to make sure it worked and that was all she wrote. Morgan say it and then refused to let me put it outside on the porch. So now we have a big inflatable penguin in our living room. Thank goodness it is quite and that we don't use our front door much. Also excuse the big, fat, lazy, worthless cat under the tree. Callie has found a new place to rest for the next few weeks!

Here is the tree pre decorated.
Morgan sorting out the ornaments she wants to place on the tree.

The finished product. And no, it is not a real dog. It is Morgans stuff Christmas husky that mom got for her last year. Our Lacie would never be that still!

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