Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year!

This year we decided to ring in the new year up at the ranch so we invited some friends up. We had a weekend of fun, fireworks and fever! I actually got off work early on Thursday so I headed to the ranch as soon as I got off work. Stephen, Morgan and Stephen's friend, Shannon, made the drive earlier in the day. Stephen and Shannon had picked up some fireworks, but due to the rain, we were unable to shoot off the fireworks to ring in the new year. So the boys decided to go hang out in the barn and varmint hunt while me and Morgan climbed into a warm bed to watch some cartoons. I was so tired after our long eventful week with Stephen and the whole tree accident. Me and Morgan dosed off around 9:30PM or at least I woke up and turned the TV off then. So much for ringing in the new year. That's OK because I got some much needed sleep to start the new year. The next day our friends David, Veronica and their little girl Madison arrived. Morgan was so excited to meet Madison. Someone new to play with. The girls hit it off right away. So after eating some good home cooked stew Shannon cooked all day, we finally got to shoot off our fireworks. On Saturday, when the group hunted, I took the girls for a ride on the four wheeler and we fed the buffalo. Once back at the ranch the girls crashed and I finally had some quite time to just veg out and watch a little TV only to find that when Morgan woke up she had bright red cheeks and a temp of 101! Great. So after a quick run for some Tylenol, we were good to go, so I thought. The next morning I woke up to being covered in throw up by Morgan and she had a fever of 102. Good times. So we packed our bags and headed back to Rockwall so I could get her to the doctors office only to find out that the streph throat that we had just treated for ten days was back and even worse. Morgan is now back on antibiotics for another ten days. So that is how my 2010 has started out. Not quite what I was hoping for but at least we had a few days of fun at the ranch before heading back. I am so excited about this year. So much to do. We have our cruise in March and the ever much anticipated trip to Disney in May. So here is to a wonderful New 2010 Year. May this year bring you great things and much peace.

Madison enjoying her sparkler.

Morgan enjoying her sparkler.

Morgan and Madison enjoying a four wheeler ride.

Morgan and Madison checking out the buffalo.

The girls feeding daddy buffalo.

The buffalo. Buffy is the one on the left. She is almost as big as momma. Rumor is momma is pregnant again.

Morgan and her new buddy.

As much as she tried, Morgan just couldn't keep up with Madison. She finally gave it up while watching SpongeBob. Madison was soon to follow.

Lexy, one of the farm cats, enjoying the a sunny winter day nap.

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