Saturday, July 10, 2010

First Broken Bone

Tonight at the ranch while playing ball with paw paw in the hallway, Morgan accidentally shut her finger in the hallway door and smashed her finger. Since we couldn't get the finger to stop bleeding and it was swelling up really bad we decided to take her to the ER. Three hours later and four xrays later we found out that she has a tuft fracture to her little pinkie finger and the cut does not need a stitch. So they bandaged her finger up, and gave a prescription for some antibiotics and we were out the door. Being at the ER till one in the morning is not fun with a 4 year old. Hope we never have to make that trip again.

My poor little sweet heart.
Stephen did really well. He handled it way better than I did, which was a big shock to all.
This is a picture of Morgan's finger after the dressing came off. She is for sure going to loss that nail I think. Ouch!!!