Thursday, July 1, 2010

Swim Class Graduation

Tonight was Morgan's swim class graduation. We are all so proud of all that she has learned. Thanks to her wonderful teacher. This was the best $90 I have ever spent. I can't wait till next year and see all that she learns. This kid never stops amazing me. Can't believe that just 3 weeks ago she couldn't even hold her breath or swim without a life jacket and now she is jumping in the pool doing cannon balls and swimming the whole length of the pool. AMAZING!!!
Morgan and her new buddy Olivia.

Morgan and all her swimming buddies.

The girls had to jump into the water with their shoes and clothes on and then once in the water kick off their shoes. Morgan did very well for her first attempt.

Morgan doing her back float.

Everyone lined up to jump in. Morgan is at the end. Funny how she looks to be the tallest in the class and is one of the three youngest. Crazy! My big little girl!

Morgan swimming the length of the pool. So proud of her.

Morgan doing a cannon ball off the diving board.

Morgan working on her dive.

Morgan jumping off the diving board.

Lauren, Miss H and Morgan

Karen, Olivia, Phoenix, and Morgan. All her swim class friends.

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