Monday, October 4, 2010

Goodbye Old Friend......

Today I got some terrible news that a guy I grew up with and went to school with, Brett Martin, was killed in a motorcycle wreck. It is always heart breaking to know that someone from your passed has passed away. It seems to be even more heart breaking the older you get. Even though I haven’t seen Brett in years, I can’t help but reflect on my youth and think of all the good times we shared together. It reminds me of my 8th grade year. It was the best year I ever had growing up. We were kings of the school, the 8th graders. There was a group of us: Me, my best friend Jennifer, Nicole, Jolynn, Marie, Brett, Troy, Daniel and Dan. Most of us were on the gymnastics team together. Everyday we would all set at the same lunch table. We had a blast. I remember how me and Bret would often have contest to see who could put the most crackers in our mouth or see who could drink the most cartons of milk. If memories serves me right, I believe that Brett won most of them. I even remember one time when we were on a bus heading to a gymnastics meet and Brett stuffed a whole Big Mac in his mouth. It was awesome! He was always doing crazy things like that. He was a guy you couldn’t help but like. He was always up to something. It was a great time. Life was so simple and we hadn’t a care in the world except what we were going to wear to school and whether or not we were going to go to the skating rink on Friday night. This was my youth and I can’t help but think of Brett when I think of that time in my life. It is such a tragedy to hear of his passing. Whether the wreck was his fault or not really doesn’t matter. What matters is that a great friend from my past is gone and will be greatly missed. I don’t think that I have ever had as great of friends as the one’s I had when I was in the 8th grade. I wonder if anyone ever does?? Brett, may you rest in peace. Thanks for all the great moments we shared. I will treasure them always. Good bye old friend……

Brett "Bret" Aaron Martin
August 21, 1972-October 4, 2010

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