Thursday, December 24, 2009

Twas The Night Before Christmas!

Well I don't know if it was just pure luck or if it was that email chain letter that I responded to, but after ten years at Baylor I finally made the drawing to be off on a holiday. I can't believe that I have Christmas Eve and Christmas day off this year. So today was such a great day. Got up and spent time with the family, had a quick nap, then got up and got ready for a fun night at mom's. When we went to pick up Jessica, a blizzard was blowing into Dallas. Yes, that's right, we had snow on Christmas Eve. It was a lil white Christmas after all. Tonight at mom's we had a wonderful time. We played this really fun game left, right, center. Stephen and me both won the pot of $27 each. It was so fun. It was a wonderful night and I can't wait to see what Santa brings tonight!

Before opening up presents, Lauren read "The Night Before Christmas" to us. It was awesome. She is a excellent reader. I sure hope that some of her good smarts rub off onto Morgan.

Morgan's first gift she opened was a copy of her new favorite movie, "The Wizard of Oz". She was so excited.

Jessica unwrapping her gifts.
Lauren unwrapping her cheerleader wall hanging that I gave her. She loved it!

Lori and Lauren have a good time.

At ninne camp this summer Lauren and Morgan made stocking rubber boats to leave out at ninnie's house for Rudolf to fill up for them. I think that Morgan did an excellent job on hers.

Here is a picture of both the girls stocking rubber boots. Morgan's is on the right. Too cute!
The girls!

Stephen, Jessica, Morgan and me on Christmas Eve.

Mom and John and the girls.

Lori, Kevin and Lauren.

Morgan looking for Santa.

Morgan and Jessica

Mom made the girls and their dolls all matching pajamas. They were so cute. Lauren got a pair for both her American Girl Dolls. Mom I must say, you ROCK!!!!

Morgan and Jessica tracking Santa on aunt Lori's iPhone. Don't think there is anything that phone can't do.

Stephen and Jessica

Jessica and me.

Once we got home Stephen made the crazy drive across the ice covered bridges to take home Jessica and I got Morgan to bed in preparation for Santa. It didn't take long for her to fall fast asleep. Of course she had her new doll that Jessica gave her wearing the pj's and robe mom made for it. She couldn't take her hands off it. Sweet dreams my angel.

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